Renters Insurance in and around West Columbia
Renters of West Columbia, State Farm can cover you
Rent wisely with insurance from State Farm

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Home Sweet Home Starts With State Farm
Renting a home comes with plenty of worries. You want to make sure what you own is protected in the event of some unexpected loss or trouble. And you also need liability protection for friends or visitors who might stumble and fall on your property. State Farm Agent Nick Shelly is ready to help you handle the unexpected with dependable coverage for your renters insurance needs. Such attentive service is what sets State Farm apart from the rest. And it won’t stop once your policy is signed. If the unexpected happens, Nick Shelly can help you submit your claim. Keep your home in a rental-sweet-rental state with State Farm!
Renters of West Columbia, State Farm can cover you
Rent wisely with insurance from State Farm

Agent Nick Shelly, At Your Service
The unpredictable happens. Unfortunately, the stuff in your rented apartment, such as a TV, a tool set and a guitar, aren't immune to vandalism or tornado. Your good neighbor, agent Nick Shelly, is committed to helping you examine your needs and find the right insurance options to protect your belongings.
Call or email State Farm Agent Nick Shelly today to explore how a State Farm policy can protect your possessions here in West Columbia, SC.
Have More Questions About Renters Insurance?
Call Nicholas at (803) 794-5055 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Lightning safety
Lightning safety
Lightning strikes injure hundreds of people and cost millions of dollars every year in damages. Read these lightning protection tips to help keep safe.
Tips for pet safety at home and in the car
Tips for pet safety at home and in the car
A few changes around your house and while you're driving can give your pets the protection they need to stay well and happy for years to come.

Nick Shelly
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Lightning safety
Lightning safety
Lightning strikes injure hundreds of people and cost millions of dollars every year in damages. Read these lightning protection tips to help keep safe.
Tips for pet safety at home and in the car
Tips for pet safety at home and in the car
A few changes around your house and while you're driving can give your pets the protection they need to stay well and happy for years to come.